福建省腾达洁环保工程有限公司致力于液态纳米材料技术应用,是集研发、 生产、销售、服务于一体的高科技现代化公司,各系列产品拥有多项专利,并获 得ISO和OHSAS认证证书。其中养护检测报告和对人体无害检测报告获得 中国太平洋保险公司承保,拥有无毒、无腐蚀、高稳定性、高可靠性等高竞争力特征,助力行业发展。
腾达洁已成功为包括电力系统、发电系统、制造业、通信运营商、教育系统 等各领域提供全方位的优质清洁服务,承担着国家电网公司、中国石化、中国烟 草、中国联通、港务集团等大企业上下游公司的机械清洗工作及相关服务,针对 不同企业生产管理需求,创新研发出一系列具有竞争力的高品质清洁产品,配套 系统而完善的服务体系;腾达洁从制定个性化养护方案出发,结合专业施工队伍、 专业养护产品、专业工器具和闭环专业养护体系,打造安全高效市场选择, 严格培训、持证上岗的专业施工队伍,利用科学流程养护体系,专业的清洗剂和 保护剂搭配,自主研发安全可靠的专业工器具,为养护提供优质的物质条件,专 业团队为客户提供针对性养护方案,现场勘查、评价回访等手段交叉运作,带给 客户完美的服务体系。
Fujian Tengdajie Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech company dedicated to the application of new materials technology, integrating sales and service. At present, all series of products that have been put into the market have independent intellectual property rights, and have dozens of patents for invention and utility models. The product features are non-toxic, non-corrosive, high stability and high reliability.
We actively respond to the call of national innovation and development, devote ourselves to establishing national brand, providing diversified maintenance schemes and products with equipment as the center and safety as the core for our partners and customers, satisfying customers'needs with the latest technology, the best products and the best service, and winning the trust of the market.